[XXE] Feature request XMLmind: Open current file/folder in Finder
Leif Halvard Silli
2018-11-05 00:52:18 UTC
I would like a feature for opening the parent folder of the current file
in Finder/File Explorer of the operative system.

The feature could be available in every Tab. But it could also - instead
or in addition - be available XMLmind XML editor’s file browser.

Justification: The file browser of XMLmind XML editor is limited. Hence
it is necessary to inspect files in the Finder/File Explorer now and

Leif Halvard Silli

XMLmind XML Editor Support List
Hussein Shafie
2018-11-06 10:34:52 UTC
Post by Leif Halvard Silli
I would like a feature for opening the parent folder of the current file
in Finder/File Explorer of the operative system.
The feature could be available in every Tab. But it could also - instead
or in addition - be available XMLmind XML editor’s file browser.
Justification: The file browser of XMLmind XML editor is limited. Hence
it is necessary to inspect files in the Finder/File Explorer now and then.
This feature is already implemented:

Menu item "File|Folder|Open Current Folder",

This menu item has a *very* *useful* shortcut Cmd+Shift-O,

We'll see if we can further improve this feature by giving the user the
choice to use the native Finder/File Explorer rather than XXE's file

XMLmind XML Editor Support List
Leif Halvard Silli
2018-11-07 22:23:09 UTC
Hello. I think there is a misunderstanding here. Or else I misunderstand
something. See below.
Post by Hussein Shafie
Post by Leif Halvard Silli
I would like a feature for opening the parent folder of the current file
in Finder/File Explorer of the operative system.
The feature could be available in every Tab. But it could also - instead
or in addition - be available XMLmind XML editor’s file browser.
Justification: The file browser of XMLmind XML editor is limited. Hence
it is necessary to inspect files in the Finder/File Explorer now and then.
Menu item "File|Folder|Open Current Folder",
This menu item has a *very* *useful* shortcut Cmd+Shift-O,
I use this shortcut all the time. However, all it does - for me - is
that it opens XMLmind XML Editor’s internal file browser. Yes, it
shows the parent folder of the current file - and that is why I do it.
But shows it within XMLmind XML Editor’s own file browser - and not in
Finder (that is: the Finder app).

But, OK: So far so good. Now, if there had been a shortcut or menu
inside XMLmind XML editor’s file browser, which would allow me to open
the same folder in Finder (thus switch to Finder and show me the same
folder there) then I would have agreed that the feature is allready
implemented. But as much as I can tell, there is no such feature.

Btw: The feature I request is a pretty "normal" feature in many native
Mac applications: Namely, they allow you to see the current document
inside Finder. (Thus switch from current application to the same
folder/location in the Finder.) One example is: You edit an image in a
graphical program (such as Graphic Converter). Then you want to switch
to Finder in order to double click the file in Finder or whatever. Often
this can be done - within the current app - by clicking the title or
name of the current file. You will then get a menu which shows the
parent folder - you select that folder and are then back in Finder, in
the file’s parent folder.
Post by Hussein Shafie
We'll see if we can further improve this feature by giving the user
the choice to use the native Finder/File Explorer rather than XXE's
file browser.
That sounds like a good thing. Not because I dislike the current file
exploer. But I expect - or hope - that if you are able to do something
like that, then you may also finally make it so that it is possible to
double click a file in Finder and have XMLmind XML editor open it. (On
Mac, this is not possible, you know.)

Leif Halvard Silli
Hussein Shafie
2018-11-08 09:02:16 UTC
Post by Leif Halvard Silli
Post by Hussein Shafie
We'll see if we can further improve this feature by giving the user
the choice to use the native Finder/File Explorer rather than XXE's
file browser.
That sounds like a good thing. Not because I dislike the current file
Post by Leif Halvard Silli
But I expect - or hope - that if you are able to do something
like that, then you may also finally make it so that it is possible to
double click a file in Finder and have XMLmind XML editor open it. (On
Mac, this is not possible, you know.)
Sorry but this is a Java bug which has not been fixed by Oracle, even in
very recent Java 11. See "[macosx] OpenFilesHandler does not receive
fileopen events", https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8043852

See also "Known problems on the Mac",
Leif Halvard Silli
2018-11-08 15:25:01 UTC
Just to re-focus on the original topic of this thread: Ability to switch
from the currently open file in XMLMind XML Editor to the same file in
the parent folder in Finder.

NetBeans 9, which I believe is a javabased application, does have two
variants of the requested feature. See the attached screenshots.

The first screenshot shows that the Tools menu of NetBeans 9 has a "Show
in Finder" submenu.

![](cid:AA7E3B5A-D6D5-4255-A203-***@russisk.no "Skjermbilde
2018-11-08 16.10.33.png")

The second screenshot demonstrates that NetBeans has the following
switch-to-folder-in-Finder feature:

1. Hold down the logo key (the Command key on mac)
2. While the logo key is pressed, click on the title field of the window
(despite the fact that the title field does not reflect the file name of
the file, btw ...),
3. You will then get a small file path menu where you can select any of
the parent folders of the current file

![](cid:D762C4C9-28CC-4980-898B-***@russisk.no "Skjermbilde
2018-11-08 15.48.52.png")

NeatBeans also have another useful feature that can used as a workaround
- the menu command "Copy filepath": By copying the file path, one can
switch to Finder by running the command

* open /Users/Username/folder

in the terminal.

PS: I notice as well that Netbeans 9 has the same bug as XMLmind XML
Editor with regards to ability to open files via double clicks in the

Leif Halvard Silli
Post by Hussein Shafie
Post by Leif Halvard Silli
Post by Hussein Shafie
We'll see if we can further improve this feature by giving the user
the choice to use the native Finder/File Explorer rather than XXE's
file browser.
That sounds like a good thing. Not because I dislike the current file
Post by Leif Halvard Silli
But I expect - or hope - that if you are able to do something
like that, then you may also finally make it so that it is possible to
double click a file in Finder and have XMLmind XML editor open it. (On
Mac, this is not possible, you know.)
Sorry but this is a Java bug which has not been fixed by Oracle, even
in very recent Java 11. See "[macosx] OpenFilesHandler does not
receive fileopen events",
See also "Known problems on the Mac",
XMLmind XML Editor Support List
Hussein Shafie
2018-11-08 17:47:37 UTC
Post by Leif Halvard Silli
Just to re-focus on the original topic of this thread: Ability to switch
from the currently open file in XMLMind XML Editor to the same file in
the parent folder in Finder.
NetBeans 9, which I believe is a javabased application, does have two
variants of the requested feature. See the attached screenshots.
The first screenshot shows that the Tools menu of NetBeans 9 has a "Show
in Finder" submenu.
The second screenshot demonstrates that NetBeans has the following
1. Hold down the logo key (the Command key on mac)
2. While the logo key is pressed, click on the title field of the
window (despite the fact that the title field does not reflect the
file name of the file, btw ...),
3. You will then get a small file path menu where you can select any of
the parent folders of the current file
NeatBeans also have another useful feature that can used as a workaround
- the menu command "Copy filepath": By copying the file path, one can
switch to Finder by running the command
* open /Users/Username/folder
in the terminal.
PS: I notice as well that Netbeans 9 has the same bug as XMLmind XML
Editor with regards to ability to open files via double clicks in the
Thank you for this info. It indeed gives us ideas about how your RFE
could be implemented.

Leif Halvard Silli
2018-11-08 15:47:39 UTC
Post by Hussein Shafie
Post by Leif Halvard Silli
But I expect - or hope - that if you are able to do something
like that, then you may also finally make it so that it is possible to
double click a file in Finder and have XMLmind XML editor open it. (On
Mac, this is not possible, you know.)
Sorry but this is a Java bug which has not been fixed by Oracle, even
in very recent Java 11. See "[macosx] OpenFilesHandler does not
receive fileopen events",
In the Comments tab of that bug report, one can read this justification
for why the bug has been declared as won’t fix:

* As stated in http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/260, a replacement to this
internal API has been provided [1] in JDK 9 and com.apple.eawt will be
encapsulated. The command-line workaround to break encapsulation could
be used before migrating to the new API. Close this issue as will not

I probably do not understand the the impact of what this means. However,
this to me sounds like there are two workaroiunds: a replacement API and
a command-line workaround.
Post by Hussein Shafie
See also "Known problems on the Mac",
Leif Halvard Silli
Hussein Shafie
2018-11-08 17:42:45 UTC
Post by Leif Halvard Silli
In the Comments tab of that bug report, one can read this justification
* As stated in http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/260, a replacement to this
internal API has been provided [1] in JDK 9 and com.apple.eawt will
be encapsulated. The command-line workaround to break encapsulation
could be used before migrating to the new API. Close this issue as
will not fix.
I probably do not understand the the impact of what this means. However,
this to me sounds like there are two workarounds: a replacement API and
a command-line workaround.
A replacement API, yes. We use it in XXE as of v7.6 (released after JDK
9), but the bug is still there.

No command-line workaround whatsoever.

We have already tested that. It does not work and cannot be made to work
using a 100% Java program like XXE.